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Inktober day 18 a combination of two words "Rat Bottles"

Today's drawing see's our witches involved in a bit of a kerfuffle.


Morganna was not amused.

Agnes knew full well that Morganna's familiar was an elephant. And she surely knew how elephants and rats got along.

One could make excuses for Agnes, having over done it a bit hitting the Bottle, but honestly; multiplying her own familiar into dozens of Rats was just the bitter end

I could not resist the combination of today's #inktober word : "bottle" and today's #drawlloween word: "rats".

I haven't really had time to share process shots of my inking this month, but I did make a funny little gif of today's drawing.

I should have really chose something more simple and less involved for today.

Yet, when I saw the word pairing today my mind just went straight to this. The idea that two witch friends each having familiars that are already not compatible, the rat and the elephant, and then considering bottle and drinking, I mean, I just had to.

Well, my days are still hectic and busy and so having spent so much of my morning into afternoon on this, I had better cut this post short.

Let's not forget to share another fellow inktoberian today.

I think that @vermillionfox darling ink for day 13 "guarded" is great and you should go check that out.

I hope all of you have a great thursday and if you get a chance to ink and join in with all of us, go for it!

And check out my other #inktober posts thus far:

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