Exuberant Art Journaling with Mosaics

Art journaling with mosaics
Graphic mosaic drama
Art journaling with mosaics is always fun and means you get to play with your lovely patterned papers. So the quote for this art journal mosaic page is:[br]

Keep facing the sunshine and the shadows will fall behind you ~ Walt Whitman

[br](In my video I accidentally attribute this quote to Audrey Hepburn.)[br][br]
I think this a lovely, positive encouragement and I wanted to illustrate it in a bold way. After sketching a few ideas I decided on one that showed the visual metaphor most clearly. I just knew that working graphically with mosaics was going to be great way of depicting the sunshine versus the shadows. [br][br]

Art Journaling with Mosaics Technique

As well as being a striking and eye catching visual technique mosaics are very therapeutic to do � and they are great for exercising your maths brain! Maybe the two go together as counting sheep is known to help you unwind�. Start by deciding on the colours you want to use then choose papers with predominantly those colours. Cut your papers into strips and then squares or triangles and sort through these squares so you are happy with their colours.

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