If everything is infrastructure, NOTHING is infrastructure.


Infrastructure is traditionally understood to mean construction that government does by default. Roads, bridges, overpasses, traffic lights, watersheds -- including surface structures like concrete drainage canals and large subsurface drainage piping. Dams to make water reservoirs for communities. Beach and river erosion prevention structures.

STRUCTURES. Infrastructure is STRUCTURE to support society. Structure used in commerce and by citizens, but structure that cannot be built entirely by private effort, because someone needs to be RESPONSIBLE for it, for the planning and budgeting and the construction and maintenance of it. The builders of infrastructure must be responsible to the public for building it right, maintaining it right, and not overspending taxpayer money along the way.

Public money and public work creates and maintains INFRASTRUCTURE, so public transportation and flood control and a variety of other public needs are met.

You can always tell when the left is UP TO SOMETHING, because they try to alter the language to fool the public.

Today, Democrats tell us that CHILDREN are infrastructure. TEACHERS are infrastructure. In fact, ANYTHING Democrats want to spend money on is now argued as INFRASTRUCTURE, totally binning the traditional definition while simultaneously making it hard to argue against them because they're talking about money "for the children".

If you say their agenda items are NOT infrastructure, YOU are the cruel conservative who just wants children to suffer and teachers to labor in poverty and so forth.

Last time I checked, altering the definition of words to win an argument meant you could NOT WIN the argument HONESTLY. It's gaslighting, it's devious and manipulative, and it's fundamentally dishonest.

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