RE: Congratulations to the American Public - YOU ELECTED A PEDOPHILE

:LOL I cant believe how people are praising that dictator you have up north. They hated his father but love him? It is amazing what complacency and Im too fucking busy to pay attention to politics can do to a country or three. And I would tell people YEARS back what was coming. They all thought I was crazy. I told them about the Agenda 2020 from the early 1990s and then earlier this year in Jan I started wearing a mask in public because I thought it was funny that I could walk into a store looking like Im about to rob it. I* told my liberal friends how stores were going to close and all that was coming. They said No that wont happen here., Not in America. And Definately not in Louisiana. Then when it got here in March and the lockdowns started they said Oh that was easy to predict. I said oh yeah,. well why the fuck didnt u predict and say NEVER IN AMERICA LOL. I tell them you call the republicans racists because they wanted to protest in small , VERY SMALL numbers to keep their businesses open, because you claim that Covaids1984 is most deadly to blacks and that means they want to kill blacks LOL. But then you tell them to go protest in MASSES for something u dont even give a fuck about. You meaning democrat leaders and their followes. And then when asked of Faucci why he condemned the anti lockdown protests but not the BLM ones, he laughs and continues to condemn the first but not the second. And Bill and Wifey Gates LAUGHING about Wave 2 being worst or how about Bill laughing recently about how the econmic devistation was 5 times worst than his 2995 predictions could ever be. THIS MEANS THEY HAVE BEEN PLANNING THIS FOR YEARS. WHY WOULD HE LAUGH while saying that. And again, not directed at YOU you :D
I could go on and on. I bet had Trump won, the capital would be on fire right now. Those Democrats are Union and Union are Gangster Run just like Sports. YES US FOOTBALL IS FAKE. THAT IS WHY THE SAINTS ONLY WON ONCE. THEY GET PAID TO LOSE. Watch a Baseball game from way back, when the umpires come out itll be one little old man and 6 really big dudes behind him. Looking like a mafia boss and 6 henchmen. Most sporting teams were created by gangsters back in the day. And we all know what happened to Wrestling when a good get and a bad guy were busted with cocaine together in the 80s. Anywho,. Im glad more people who are TRUELY awake are coming on here. I just hope these new blockchain sites with all this voting doesnt cause censorship by voting. Also when claims it needs to go back and "make sure pages are historically accurate" u need to worry because it is an archive for a reason. And I dont care if Biden wins the presidency. I care that the house senate and white house will be all democrats. And people dont pay attention but we are already moving into China. The US has sent massive warships and planes to that part of the planet. We are already in the early stages of WWIII. And I hope all this crypto digital shit isnt just another transfer of wealth because that is what it feels like. Feels like transfer of wealth to the wealthy. They get the physical assets while us plebs are stuck with digital. Ive been saying since I noticed people are stupid enough to pay the same price for digital as they are the physical version of media, that this was the beginning of the end of physical items. I mean why make physical items in masses if people are willing to pay for a worthless digital version. Oh yeah you can have digital ownership/. Yeah I guess so. But who cares. It will cause companies to say why make physical items that destroy the earth when people will pay for the digital version. Let's just sell the masses digital and make a handful of physical version and charge OUTRAGOUS prices for it so only the wealthy will own physical versions of things. It wont be overnight, and it may not happen that way. I sure hope not. But after this year, nothing would surprise me in the next 10 15 20 years if I live long enough to see that many more years. PEOPLE say I am crazy when I say things like that but then I ask them if they thought everything that happened this last year or so would have happened 5 or 10 years ago and they always say hell no. Then I ask them what about in 2019 and they still say Probably not.

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