RE: The Lie of the Plandemic

When you find good content here, do you promote that content outside Hive?

Not outside, but inside.

What is @xplosive doing to turn those percentages of yours around?

I naturally interact with others, and I support others as I can. There is a thing called engagement league. I was the 6th in it last time, and I am often in the top 10.

You either consume or produce, few do both unless they're forced.

This is not true. I do both on the Steem/Hive blockchain for more than 4 years (since 2017.05.17), and I am not forced to do either of them. And I also do both on YouTube. And there are many people, who do this. Especially on YouTube.

On YouTube everyone is interact naturally. Why people cannot do the same on Hive?

On YouTube every content creator (even the smallest and the occasional uploaders) get real human interaction. Why the same cannot happen on Hive?

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