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Trump signs memo ending 'catch and release' immigration policy and warns California for sanctuary cities.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump signed a memorandum on Friday ordering the end of a policy, known as “catch and release,” in which illegal immigrants are released from detention while awaiting a court hearing on their status.

As part of the memo, Trump asked Defense Secretary Jim Mattis to produce a list of military facilities that could be used to detain illegal immigrants.

President Trump is getting tough on immigration with closing the loophole thiis gives the border patrol and the US military more authority when they catch illegals crossing the border.

The wall has plenty of funding like Trump said in his speech a couple of days ago and is going to be built in order to secure the border. It's not just illegals the wall will keep out. It will make is harder for shipments of drugs coming up from the south and guns being sent down to Mexico for the drug cartels. It won't be perfect but it will be a step in the right direction of US to regaining it's sovereignty from years under Globalism.

Trump also talked tough about California in this video. California is not following federal law with it's sanctuary cities laws and they have a big problem with illegal voting too. I have a sneaky suspicion that the politicians in California will give in to Trump's demands once the Justice Department starts investigating voter fraud in the state.

We are seeing the restoring of the Republic before our eyes.
