The Truth About the Democrats

US Attorney General, William Barr, has declared the riots and looting being fermented by Antifa communist agitators to be an act of Sedition, which is a federal; crime of intending to overthrow the U S government by force.

This declaration is a game changer.

Local politicians have captured a few rioters, but have refused to prosecute these anarchists and Camilla Harris has been funding programs to release these communist anarchists.

Jurisdictions such as New York have what is essentially a catch and release program.

If these anarchists and/or rioters are arrested by federal officials and charged with sedition they will be prosecuted, and the penalty will be death.

That fact alone should stop these communist anarchists.

As detailed in our prior essays, the communist Chinese, who are working to prevent the re-election of Donald Trump have successfully bribed (and therefore own):
Joe Biden
Nancy Pelosi
Diane Feinstein
John Kerry

Since the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, prominent Democrats, such as Chuck Schumer and Diane Feinstein have declared that Amy Coney Barret (“ACB”) would be unacceptable as a justice of the U S Supreme Court because she is a Catholic, and therefore, these Democrats claim that ACB would repeal Roe and Obama-Care.
At the time of her last advice and consent hearing before the U S Senate, when ACB had been nominated to serve in her current judicial position on the U S 7th Circuit Court of Appeals,
ACB was net with Democrat resistance because the Democrats noted that ACB was Catholic. In response to that anti-Catholic rhetoric, ACB said that she would never permit her personal feelings intrude upon her judicial rulings.

This anti-Catholic crap dates back to the time that JFK was running for president.

If the democrats continue to claim that Catholics cannot be trusted, what do these Democrats want Americans to believe about their current leaders?
We note that Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi constantly claim that they are eminently trustworthy because they are Catholics.
We also note that the Obama-Biden administration mqnifested anti-Sematic feelings by voting against and speaking against Israel at the United Nations and by campaigning against Benjamin Netanyahu and by illegally (such money was never appropriated by Congress for that purpose) using American taxpayer money to help finance the campaign of Netanyahu’s opponent.

America cannot tolerate Democrat anti- Catholicism in the SCOTUS nomination, the general ant- Christian feeling and the anti-sematic feeling of Democrats to permeate their actions in or for America.

It is not a simple matter of coincidence that communists are virulently anti-religion!

Democrats have been demanding the old tax returns and financial and accounting materials of Donald Trump, the Trump organization and all member of the Trump family, including 14 year old Barron Trump, be made public.

Donald Trump has resisted making his pre-2016 tax returns public.

There are several relevant facts here:

  1. There is no statutory requirement that a candidate for president reveal his tax returns.

  2. More than 4 years ago, the American public elected President Trump knowing that they had not seen those tax returns.

  3. Those tax returns are well over hundreds of pages in length, which would be unfathomable to the public and would become the subject of cherry picking in a Democrat attempt to embarrass the President.

  4. Financial and accounting material should be private for all Americans in the absence of a court issued warrant based upon substantial evidence of wrongdoing.

On the flip side of the coin, we have significant evidence of wrongdoing by others.

It is for that reason that we demand to see the tax returns and financial dealings and the accounting records of each of the following persons:
Hunter Biden (Wrongdoing: bribery by Ukraine, Russia and by communist China)

Paul Pelosi, Senior (husband of Nancy Pelosi) (Wrongdoing: Paul Pelosi, senior, received a fortune from communist China)

Paul Pelosi, Junior (son of Nancy Pelosi) (Wrongdoing: Paul Pelosi, Junior, received a fortune from communist China)

Bertram Feinstein (husband of Diane Feinstein) (Wrongdoing: Bertram Feinstein received a fortune from communist China)
Frank Biden (older brother of Joe Biden) Wrongdoing: a no- real estate experience recipient of billions of U S taxpayer dollars to construct and manage housing units in Iraq) (This housing company was under the auspices of then, Vice President Joe Biden)
James Biden. (younger brother of Joe Biden) (Wrongdoing: A no- experienced person given billions of U S taxpayer dollars to create a telecom company for Caribbean countries.) (This telecom company was under the auspices of then, Vice President Joe Biden)
George Soros. (Wrongdoing: Soros is a known-communist, and is known to be the financial backer of SNTIFA, of the riot sponsoring BLM Organization and the funder of do-nothing prosecutors throughout the United States).

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