One of the "lynching" with the car... /// vegetable that resist well winter... // cyprusgate

ahh I didn't get the word "lynching"... the blm narrative...




I really don't understand you, your mindset, your beliefs...

life a great filter to expose what won't be? who knows...

your western corporate masters are happy I guess?

you think you will established the western corporate world order?

you will need a lot of mercs...

and my little new theory why no images from real battlespace? like yemen... (more or less) or azerbaidjan or donestk/luansk? it's because you are so fucking afraid... ahahah... I understand, I don't throw a stone here... I just mean it's so more comfortable in the safety of eretz...

at least the guy of al jazeerha on his skyscrapper made his prayer... what a man !

ps the last tag is the best... you can bs your shit for even decades, and once... the wind of reality... you are not even dust...

at least you "enjoyed" for a while... will see... how it ends...

cyprusgate... one that really interests me... the reasoning, the deal behind etc.... it's on par with pedogate in term of failing state... and I am curious how the media propaganda campaign evolved from the time... anyway...

final conclusion : i am wasting my time... again... for example I could do stretching... or read more about 3rd dimensional small space growing... (like carrots are roots, something flat like a salad and something climbing like a tomato, to then reach roots harmony or balance / exchange and reach better yield... interesting... and at least narrative doesn't work... apparently some plants are not friendly... or resaid need more space to be happy :D).

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