Dear Corporate WORLD and fiscally efficient states : WE NEED STORM TROOPER TO STORM THE OCDE !!!

I start to get it... this NWO... what Macron seeks... to save his failed free masonic state.

Let's review a little bit... greatest success of France? mostly when Catholic... (yes yes there are bad people in, like in all organization, specifically even targeted 101... but closer...).

so they want to smash Bahrain, forbid the Oil Giants from having their own tax laws... hmmm... they will come from Vlad and of course Economic Zones of China...

Ohhhhh they will target HK... and many more like Ireland....


we are starting to get angry (just kidding, it's soo funny to think that a worthless shit like gueterres of the OCDE, total potiental PEDO...)ahahahahha! !!

time to engage the filth !

let's rolll, start your blades (jet engines have blades, like osprey, abrams :D, and subs ;D hahahahahahahahahahhahahaa)

and I am sure that every us front line groups have their own each knife !!! ahahhahahahah...

does the fbi carry knife? amateurs ! noobies :D

ps cost the cutting the fbi, restructuring + pension penalities.... yeahhhhh

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