the NPCs finally got me! What IS an NPC, you might ask.

I finally got banned from Facebook after 3 years of pushing the envelope.

Quite coincidentally, I was banned for a 3 year old post, which went along these lines...

scene from the democong debate:
CLINTON I did not have relations with that email server
CLINTON Benghazi is a vast right wing conspiracy
BEACHHOUSE BERNIE Zig Heil! Lebensraum!
CLINTON White males are the DEVIL!
BEACHHOUSE BERNIE Agreed, comrade, begin the property seizures!

At first, I was aggravated because...3 years? WTF?, but I do remember that my friend got banned for a 3 year old meme, and laughing at him for that. OTOH, while I was trying to get banned, I did keep my posts extreme but not trollish (unless you count the ones of Trump beating up CNN and/or the Hildabeast. My friend went hardcore troll mode, but then again he did that against everybody. Ancaps FTW! right? ;>

I have my suspicions, though. Recently, I had been sharing a lot of Conservative Treehouse material about FBI/Deep State corruption...examples...
Lou Dobbs on The DOJ: “The Rats are Running The Place”…
Update Deep State Treasury Leaker Arrested – Senior U.S. Treasury Official Arrested for Leaking Financial Forms To Media…
Senator Grassley Wants Details on Why DOJ Declined to Prosecute Senior FBI Official…
Too Deep To Drain – Aspects Lost in the James Wolfe Pleading…

So you'll have to excuse me for a little paranoia regarding the NPCs motives in my case. After Twitter banned James Woods for...get this...election interference...
ROFL, 4chan just deleted a thread sharing NPC memes...holy shiite, the Ministry of Truth is worried!

[Returning to thread after harvesting NPC memes from a different 4chan thread...]

So anyway, my gut tells me that although I have a limited following on Facebook, I was banned because I strayed off the NPC dialogue too far when the election was too close.

What are these NPCs you speak of?

Liberals and leftists and cultists, oh my.

A two paragraph NPC history

The term NPC, or "Non-Player Character", came out of the table top Role playing games...a NPC was any person you interacted with that wasn't one of the "players" sitting around the table with you. Depending on how much the DM (the guy that made up the game in his head, the "Game", or "Dungeon", Master) intended the NPC to interact with the player, different levels of effort were put into determining who the NPC was and how it behaved.

Enter the PC (oops, NOT the "Player Character", the NPC opposite, BUT INSTEAD the Personal Computer). Role playing games were created that had the computer making the decisions of the NPC. So instead of having a DM make a human generated decision at the moment that was open to an infinite range of options, the programmers of the computer games had to limit what the NPC said to the player to pre-programmed "dialogue tree"

The key point is that NPCs are LIMITED to a pre-programmed and SCRIPTED response to any given situation.

The NPC meme has been bouncing around for some time now, in context as to whether people in general or not think of their own accord( or even have the ability to think);over the last month it has been increasingly applied to the left and it's obedio-bots and it's shrieking internet lynch mobs.

So explain to me in crayon why liberals are being called NPCs

  • They don't think through their statements; they may be unable to think these positions through
    On one day all womyn tell the truth, but on the next day women that report abuse by democrats are lying indeed
  • They get frustrated when they are off the script
    While it happens, it is extremely RARE for me to hear a leftist argument I had not heard from the Ministry of Truth (the news media), within the LAST WEEK!
  • These scripts are generated for them by direction of the left
  • The intense anger that these pinkos are experiencing is pre-programmed for them..NOT just as a script, but by their nature as leftists


I have a whole folder of NPC memes I picked up from /pol. I'll hold off on them for today, but I will leave you with an in-depth screen cap. I intend to follow up on this with a looong description of why the left is howling mad over this meme, and why that is baked into leftism. I'll be using the following pic to start that discussion off, but it's worthwhile to share it now:

The key point is that NPCs are LIMITED to a pre-programmed and SCRIPTED response to any given situation.

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