President Trump has 'Protest' meeting in Nevada, and the locals are Thrilled!

President Trump held a 'Protest' in Nevada in a warehouse, with thousands of supporters, ignoring the Governor's prohibition there. He said if they ignore it to burn and loot, there isa no reason honest Citizens should not have the same right to assemble...INCLUDING at Church!
Very reasonable and fair, but liberals have Never believed in equal treatment for everyone; so they hate him!

Video of this meeting:

This is really why they hate him, I recommend you watch the whole video!
I did, and the entire also audience was Wired. He connects to his audience, which they can Not do!

Article on this 'Protest' meting:

He will get a lot of flack from the MSM about Coronavirus dangers, that are NEVER considered when they are ginning up a good riot; that they call a 'peaceful protest', with molotovs and AK 47's!

President Trump on Sunday night held an indoor rally at a warehouse outside Las Vegas where he called the state’s governor a “political hack” and urged him to “open up your state.”

Calling for reduction of covid 19 restrictions and promising to protect attendees if they draw fire from Nevada.

“You have a governor right now who is a political hack,” Trump told the audience. “Tell your governor to open up your state, by the way. Open up your state.”The state’s economy has been operating with restrictions on a per-county basis based on their individual coronavirus risk levels.

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