Nancy Pelosi slips the knife in under our Republic's fourth rib, with one of her biggest lies to date!

We all know that liberals blame their opposition for everything they themselves actually do; but this takes that redirection to a new height!

Pelosi is now blaming the Republicans directly, for the murder of George Floyd!

Hear it from the horses...ahhh...'mouth' herself:

The Big lie, backed up by the MSM, has always been effective for them!

Here is a post I did recently, about the orchestration of a false flag attack on George Floyd:

Please notice that they accidentally published information on this attack, including Mr Floyd's NAME days before the 'attack' occurred!

The officer was an actor that was also at the Boston bombing.

The officer and George Floyd worked together, and Mr. Floyd was seen after he was 'Killed'!

TOO MANY LIES; And now Pelosi add the worst one to date, with this fecal matter she is spouting today!

IF WE still had any Journalists in the USA, they would tear her up on this. But it has been Decades since we had a Professional Journalist working in this country!!!! Our Journalists have gone over to the dark side and become a large part of the problem now, SMH!

What should terrify us all is that Pelosi is third in line for the Presidency! That is where we got President Ford from, so it has happened before! She is too old to speak intelligently (her mind is pretty much gone) and she is a Consummate Liar. This should concern all thinking people....

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