The Singularity: AI Meets the Asshole Quotient

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I've written about the optimism I have for Millennials- how I believe they may find the solutions for our many problems. One reason is that they seem to have latched on to the concept of decentralization... now what we have to do is educate them about its compatibility with a couple of other concepts they also seem to have latched onto- Socialism and artificial intelligence. Leaving ideology and politics out of it for the moment and looking at it from a purely practical standpoint, exactly what is wrong with Socialism?

Unlike a market economy, not only does it not work- it can't be made to work. In the words of former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher: "The problem with Socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people's money." The lure of Socialism is as simple as it is attractive (unless you're the one footing the bill)- "free shit." This is particularly attractive to a generation that has never had to struggle for anything. When you add politics to the mix what results is purely toxic... Political Socialism is a centralized platform that steals from the "haves" and keeps the proceeds- meting out just enough to the "have nots" to ensure self-perpetuating institutionalized misery.

The key word here is institutionalized. It is the institutional/centralized nature of power that is inherently dangerous and leads to despotism. As far as systems go, one is really no better than another, Socialism excepted. Even Socialism has been known to work in small, homogenous social units- it's what it is attempted at the national level that it fails miserably. The real problem lies in the nature of power, institutions, and human beings themselves. For example a monarchy is a perfectly viable form of government for all concerned- provided that you have a good monarch... one that puts the wellbeing of his/her subjects ahead of their own. The problem, as Lord Acton so eloquently put it: "Power corrupts and absolute power tends to corrupt absolutely."

Institutions, as I wrote in the Asshole Quotient, have flaws built in to them and they are inescapable. The first is sustainability- that if the institution fails to ensure its own existence it cannot perform the purpose for which it was created. The primary purpose, therefore, is eventually supplanted by the need to self-sustain. Another flaw is the Asshole Quotient itself... the types of people who are drawn to positions of power- the corrupt and corruptible. On a small scale the damage is minimal and fairly easy to contain... however, the larger and more centralized the locus of power, the more profound the size and scope, and naturally the damage. As the world moves closer toward a globalist power structure the larger and more corrupt the system- until it reached critical mass... a situation where there is no mitigating factor to stop it.

This phenomenon isn't peculiar to political institutions alone, it is universal. Much of Jesus' message was aimed at the politicization and corruption of the Pharisees who had turned the religious institutions into semi-political power centers that mirrored the Roman model. Jesus advocated a decentralized approach that focused on the individual rather than institutions: "The Kingdom of God is within you." The lowest common denominator in all of this isn't necessarily the systems per se, or institutions, as flawed as they may be... but the people running them - the most flawed variable in the equation. So what can be done? The Technocrats have a solution- Singularity.

If the nature of "the system" and the institutions that comprise it can't be fixed, then it's human beings themselves that must be improved- re-engineered. People like Ray Kurzweil believe themselves to be visionaries that hold all the answers to humanities' problems- from ethics, to fighting disease, education, nutrition, even death itself. Like modern day Dr. Frankensteins, Kurzweil and his ilk want to bioengineer humans incorporating nanotechnology into them. All of these new technologies, however, are like a double-edged sword- they can be used for good or evil. The cellphone for example- the latest technologies have greatly expanded the capabilities as well as the convenience... internet access, better communications, etc.. However, as we have learned, they are also used as surveillance instruments tracking our every move. Although the intentions of the inventors may in fact be noble- as history and the Asshole Quotient have taught us, they will inevitably be used by bad people.

Technocrats, as we have learned by watching China, seek to destroy humanity as we know it, replacing us with "hybrids" of their own design... either voluntarily, or by force. This is about forced conformity- controlling the flow of information, thereby controlling the flow of thought and creativity using computer technology. Remember, a computer is only as good (or bad) as the person that programs it. The Technocrats want subservience- people who will not question their authority. China has already implemented social credits to discourage non-conformity. The social media censorship in America and Europe is just step one... jmore draconian measures will follow. Free speech, free thought and individualism are a threat to the hive mind of Technocracy.

The nefarious intent behind AI is to artificially remove individuality from mankind. Think about how computers are able to interact- they "think" alike. Factoring in the Asshole Quotient- it's not a questions of if Technocrats will use AI to consolidate power through technology, but how soon. It certainly didn't take the Chinese long and there's no reason to believe that once 5G is implemented that the race won't be on in America and the Western world as well. Once it begins there will be no stopping it... like the old saying goes, "you can't unring a bell." The transhumanist agenda has nothing to do with "improving" humanity and everything to do with consolidating power by destroying what makes us unique as a species... centralization and total control of the flow of information. The powers behind AI only show us the upside, the advantages- but never factor in the potential for evil... the dehumanization. The things that make us different are the things that make us unique- individuals. Our humanity will be lost in a miasma of conformity and groupthink.

Systems and institutions come and go, but human nature is immutable... power corrupts, it always has, it always will. Technocrats will try to centralize power into a smaller and smaller locus... and AI will help them do it. What we need to impart to Millennials, if they are to be humanity's salvation... those who have grown up in the technological age- is that for every benefit technology brings there is an evil, darker purpose and bad people waiting to use it to take away their humanity.




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