Still your President!


I like giving a little steering wheel to my child in the back seat of the car so that he can feel like he is driving! He gets such a kick moving the wheel around and making car noises, thinking that he is the one steering the ship...

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There is one good thing that comes from the Selections. We get to see who is who. That's about all. We get to see who lends their support to what.

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This is by far the most fraudulent election of our time. Perhaps of any time in the USA. However the point is that they have always been fraudulent. Especially since 2000 with the introduction of the Electronic Voting Machine (EVM). When you dig into the EVM issue, you'll see just how far the rabbit hole of modern Voting goes. And it isn't good.

We'll get our new figurehead, who must answer to his bosses as usual.
We might like or dislike our figurehead, but our figurehead is just a Public Relations character.
The Trump is perfect for polarization, maybe even better than the O'Bomber.

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Your owners only care about how you 'feel', and will make you 'feel' however they want, to guide you back into your pens.

Trump sounds great to those that are sick of censorship media...Sounds..Great...
The social media purge/censorship however, is stronger than ever...

Meanwhile, Trump is selling Pharma products like a champ. I thought he was Superman when he came out the day after getting 'covid', going on about how he was now 20 years younger thanks to, REGENERON!


....But you still need your Warp Speed Vaccine, you idiot sheep :)

Killary (Walking Bird) Clinton, cackles on...

Walking Bird - Native name given to one that is so full of shit it can no longer fly.

So, now your Cognitive Dissonance will of course kick in, and you will conjure up a bunch of reasons that OldOneEye is just WRONG!....There there, you poor thing. Grandpa Rothschild will make it all better...

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Go ahead and ignore this now, but before I go, I would like to show you who your Selected Puppets, actually are loyal to. Hint: It isn't you.

There is one "Wall" that Trump worships though....

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Awww, but, but at least BIDEN will not do that right?
Biden will lick that wall for only 3 pieces of Silver.

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Sorry Trumpsters. Trump is a Rothschild dandy. Love him or hate him, he is Rothschild's project from the beginning. They don't just bail out anybody....

And sorry Biden Pedo worshipers, your dog is even worse.

Personally I'd rather listen to the Orange figurehead than the groping communist pedo for the next 4 years, but ultimately, our ship will sail the same direction regardless of who stands next to the wheel...

Tough Choice every 4 years.....Rothschild or Rothschild.
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