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BREAKING NEWS: Jeff Sessions Resigns!

The first “fruits” of Midterm Elections have grown — Jefferson B. Sessions III, former Attorney General of the United States, just resigned at the request of the POTUS…

Former Attorney General, well known as Jeff Sessions, sent on Wednesday, Nov. 7th, a letter of resignation in which he pointed out how “we have restored and upheld the rule of law — a glorious tradition that each of us has a responsibility to safeguard.” You can read it here:

Well, there are many people who would say that he understood his position as a prolongued vacation, not caring at all about the criminal at the highest level of the Federal State. Many would say that he was just making money from private prisons and raised racism to higher levels.

Now, the Dems reaction: while they were vehemently against his nomination, now they have immediately changed the tune in a radical manner. For example:


Despite their wailings, resignation was not unexpected. But the speed after the Midterm Elections was surprising. Is this Dems reaction actually an itroduction into the clash with Muller “investigation” and breaking down a false Russiagate narrative? The Department of Justice will be led by his chief of staff Matthew Whitaker until a permanent replacement is nominated, and he was and at one point argued that Mueller’s investigation was becoming a “witch hunt.”

Trump has only two more years to try to disband “deep state”… if that is really his intention.

What would you say?


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