Rags to Riches to Rags

70% of rich families lose their wealth by the 2nd generation and 90% by the third generation. These are generalities, as in statistics. Normally, this tends to happen to most people on earth every other generation.

Rags to Riches

How much of America does China own?

China Owns Us


Stefan Molyneux - Wealth Fluctuates

Truth About Poverty

Nature & Nurture impacts people. However, Notion is what matters most, as in our choices, our decisions, in what kind of people we want to be or not want to be. Success, wealth, influence, takes work to get to. Disciplines are not born out of thin air.

70% of the Rich Become Poor

Historically, 70% of the rich lose their wealth by the second generation. This means, be careful with your money and the future of your kids, family, friends, community. You can encourage, train, & warn kids of the dangers. Red Pilled Black, Candace Owens, talks about getting off the Democratic Plantation of failed welfare.

Why Wealthy Families Go Broke

On the other hand, if you're not rich, you may get lucky like the Trump family were in the past few generations for example.

Who Controls The Money of the World?

Parents spoil their kids at times, some more than others. In other words, nature & nurture plays a part in the development of a child. Adults influence kids as they are raised, taught, trained. That helps a lot.

Third Generation Wealth Crisis

Ultimately, still, it is the responsibility of each child to remain motivated. Yet, it is a lot harder to be urgent, to be driven, when your parents are filthy rich.

How to Keep Wealth Beyond the Third Generation

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What to do if you win the Lottery - Annuity

Ten Things to do if you Win the Lottery

Ten Things Not to do if you Win The Lottery

Ten Unluckiest Lottery Winners

Smartest Lottery Winners

Lebron James - First Generation Wealth

90% Rappers Were Not on the Streets

Trillionaire Rothschild Banks Are Failing

Rothschild Owns Banks in every Country But 3

SGT Report - Quantified

Rags to Riches to Rags

90% of the rich are poor by the 3rd generation
By Joey Arnold

You can call me Joey or Oatmeal

Add me on Facebook, Gab, Minds, Twitter, YouTube, etc.
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Written in July of 2018

2018-07-07 Saturday 04:41 PM LMS - Rags to Riches to Rags
Published at 06:43 PM
Updated at 12:35 AM Sunday


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Who Are The Richest?

Rothschild, like the Federal Reserve, print money on demand out of thin air, more often than we may know.

The Peach

Peach wrote, "You are flat out wrong. The Rothschild family is one of the families that are at the top, but there are other families above them.
Have you ever heard of the Black Nobility?
Who are richer than the Rothschild Banking Family, according to The Peach?
House of the Snake
The House of Sforza
The Savoy-Genovese Crime Family
Torlonia Banking Family
Massimo Crime Family
Aldobrandini Crime Family
Bourbon Crime Family
Doria Sachs Orsini Crime Family
Farnese Military Bloodline
FitzJames Crime Family
Pallavicini Crime Family
Ruspoli Crime Family."

The American Dream Film

Diamond & Silk

Kanye West Broke The Left & The Internet