RE: Hillary Clinton Appeal Denied For Upcoming Appearance In Court

How many of the lawyers, judges, jurors, etc, are a little or absolutely leftists, globalists, and/or whatever, meaning what might happen if Hillary Clinton is in alleged court or alleged show trial for the public, a dog and pony show, will justice be had or is Bill Barr and Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump and others delaying the draining of the swamp, are some of the alleged patriots in the Trump Administrator worse than Kelly and the others, are they in fact delaying justice by playing dumb or is it even worse than that? I'm sure Hillary is aware of a lot but I wonder how aware Jared Kushner might be? Jared could be a puppet and it's possible that Jared doesn't even know that bad people are using him. I don't want to assume Jared is evil. Jared may feel he is doing the right thing, whatever that means. But Jared is wrong.

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