
What's better than Nintendo?

In a new, totally banned app game, you can play as Hillary Clinton in Hilltendo: run from cops, delete emails before they find you, and throw the constitution as far as you can in a good old constitution toss game.

But don't worry men did it. Especially white males. That is what Hillary Clinton said in India this week in India where she fell twice like she has in the past.

Hillary said that men brain washed white women in America to vote in some kind of conservative way. Hillary also said she was ahead in polls in 2016 in October until FBI director, James Comey, came out with some kind of report or something related to emails and stuff, you know. So, it must be Comey's fault as well.

Especially since Comey is a white male.

Men Fault

2018-03-15 Thu 09:40 AM LMS: Hilltendo
Email: joeyarnoldvn@gmail.com

Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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