Black Friday Zombies

They're buying things they already have. But they're not crowding around the book stores. Mark Dice actually had a blow horn when he was making this video. It's very interesting to see consumerism morph into something like a zombies world. Rome wasn't built in a day. Mental illness wasn't built in a day, either. But who built it would be the next question. You may want to have some sympathy for basement dwellers, but maybe not too much sympathy. Happy Thanksgiving 2018. What are you thankful for? Would you know if you were a zombie?

Screenshot at 2018-11-23 12:58:52.png

Black Friday Zombies

Published in November of 2018 - By Oatmeal Joey Arnold - @JoeyArnoldVN
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2018-11-23 - Friday - 01:03 PM Woof - Black Friday Zombies
Published at 04:47 PM Friday

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