Project Mockingbird: The Song of Alex Jones

Good morning.

I challenged myself in such a fashion, to expose this con-artist Alexander E Jones. Its mainly because I see what He is, while others consume his words like its food for thought.

By starting off I want to outline a CIA directive. Project Mockingbird. What project Mockingbird is the CIA's use of establishing journalistic fronts to push or publish propaganda. This practice began in the 1950's, and leads all the way up to today.

You can read a CIA declassified briefing, Family Jewels, this link will redirect you to download the 302 page pdf which outlines practices (abuses) of the CIA and media.

This is the seal of CIA Special command, which is a seal for spies. In Alex Jones', program he constantly refers to his media organization as the "tip of the spear and behind enemy lines", which is how Special command operates. Behind enemy lines.

Alex E Jones, the person

Alex, began his career as a nobody, appearing on Austin local network affiliates in 1996 with his show Prison Planet. As, more viewers tuned in he eventually raised enough capital to run a television campaign and radio via GCN network.

Jones was catapulted into the spot light, in late 1999 for his false prediction on Y2K. Then national recognition in 2001, by "predicting" 9/11.

I, personally have only heard sound bites of his broadcast.. but apparently he talks about his family.


What Alex never mentions is that his family history has a long lineage of CIA operatives. The picture on the right, outlines members of his family that are known to be "assets."

Alex, recently divorced his wife of two children and remarried Ms. Wulff. Nothing in itself is notable to Ms. Wulff, oh except that her mother worked for CIA, now currently FEDERAL RESERVE.

Ms. Wulff mother, Michele Traynor Wulff.

For exposing the elite, "secret intelligence" he sure does have a LOT of ties to letter agencies...

Alex claims, that his shows are supported by listeners who purchase his health products. Which may be true, I'm not sure what his sales volume is, but he rakes in enough money to live in luxury.


And his products? Are they really that good for you?


take a closer look at "natural ingredients" I am not speaking for anyone else...but Im NOT putting mercury or flouride (sodium flouride) into my body.

Here is another independent test performed in France:

there is another page to this, I have ommitted it due to lack of knowledge of reading French.

Lets look at another reason, I am convinced Alex Jones is an operative.

INFOWARS' Connection to Stratfor (CIA)

Stratfor is a global intelligence - consulting agency. I think best way to accurately describe them is a contractor. Stratford, originated in Austin, Texas in 1996. It was founded by, George Friedman.


Alex used this photo of him in the Stratfor headquarters, for his donations page. Again, Im not sure if this is can be proven it was used until 2013. If you look closely at the two pictures, cables are drawn in felt tip marker (friedman), but two exact geo-graphic locations.

I want to clarify what Stratfor is, they are a CIA front (as a "publisher") that provides intelligence to private corporations. These corporations include, Bhopal's Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence Agency.

One can reference the publications of emails from Stratfor (2005-2011) now in WikiLeaks.


This is not the only tie to Stratfor Alex has, in 2012-2013 Alex hired a woman named Molly Maroney. Molly, was an "ex" Stratfor employee, who worked as editor at infowars for roughly a year. Alex tries to conceal this fact by intentionally misspelling her name. (See below)


Alex, still to this day hires Government intel operatives:

  1. Mark Dice
  2. Joe Biggs
  3. Mike Cernovich
  4. Patrick Riley
  5. Jack Posobeic (Navy intel)
  6. Tim Reames
  7. Quentin Carter (pictured below)


Alex walking out of court with his blackwater bodyguard Quentin Carter.

If any of this is not itself damning enough...and you STILL listen to this fodder. Drink some tangy tangerine.
Say "hi" to the Creator for me.

It angers me that this intelligence agency hijacked "the truther movement." This is because it came at a critical time. 9/11 had just occurred and devasted not only our country physically, but changed the entire scope of government and the rights of the people.

I suspect the CIA's plans for Alex is to move people away from what is true and incriminating. The first part of finding the truth is to mute the "voices" of known actors.

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