11/11 2018 - What Is About To Happen??

Something very strange just happened...

I have just watched a short video created by the @dollarvigilante Jeff Berwick, and in it he said:

"The collapse of the financial markets began as planned on October 10th. 10/10… as was prediction programmed on the 1988 cover of the Rothschild owned, Economist Magazine."


Just as he said 10/10, I happened to glance at my computer clock and it was exactly 10:10pm.

The hair on my neck stands on end. The Vigilante continues:

"Watch closely on 11/11. November 11th. The likely date of their next major moves."

This is also tomorrows date!! And the post is already 29 days old... This is getting stranger and stranger. I can't turn away now from the screen now.

"What’s next? As I suggested, they may try to take down the entire internet to stop the awakening. If this is our last communication, peace be with you. The war has just begun. It is now time for YOU to realize your full power and step up. Speak out to any and all with ears to listen to what is happening. Most won’t listen, but that’s okay. We can stop what is coming if enough of us stand up, embody our true power and speak up.


All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

What’s next? As I suggested, they may try to take down the entire internet to stop the awakening. If this is our last communication, peace be with you."

Is something huge going to happen tomorrow? Time will tell I guess... Please let me know your thoughts in the comment section.

To see the full video by Jeff Berwick check out the link below.


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