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Know the Information War and Propaganda.


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USAF Information Warfare Author Colonel Alan D. Campen said: "Information warfare is an action that is directly or indirectly done to manipulate, cancel, confuse, or destroy information and information systems, whether peace, or war dealing with military electronic information systems"

The goal is to get information-based benefits for your opponents by accelerating minimum capital expenditure, resources and personnel, as well as minimum casualties if they influence behavior, avoid conflict, or end or fail.

Information warfare involves all forms of exploitation, corruption or destruction when we use, interrupt or destroy the information we use when we obtain information from the use of force. [Royal Australian Air Force, Australian Aerospace Fundamentals, August 2002]. Therefore, information battles never know the time dimension in peace or exhibition, and information can influence winning behavior in battle without sacrificing great expense and soul.

In many literatures, the concept of information war leads to the concept of media warfare or opinion that leads to propaganda. But in other literature, the concept of information warfare is about three aspects of war and control, warfare and psychological warfare.

War Command and Control (Kodal)


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The Kodal War is an integrated war with security wars, military fraud, electronic warfare, psychological warfare, and intelligent warfare that can reduce or affect the vocals of the opponent. The use of battle information on cocktail systems in military operations can be aggressive and defensive.

Psychological Warfare


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Besides being used to influence the opinions, emotions, attitudes, and behaviors of individual groups, psychological warfare includes the various plans used to carry out propaganda affecting the opinions, feelings, attitudes, and behaviors of the enemy. (Citizens) support the national goals.

In the International Encyclopedia, "Psychological warfare is formulated briefly as the application of psychology to warfare for the purpose of winning nonviolent victory." The usual activity in psychological warfare is propaganda.


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Some types of propaganda, among others:

White Propaganda, White propaganda is an open-ended activity, especially in the media, with the intention of getting sympathy from the same party, especially those who have successfully fought with TV, radio or other media broadcasts.

Black Propaganda, Black propaganda can be harmful to the mental, attitudes, and emotions that destroy the minds of others with hidden propaganda that is unknown origin.

Gray Propaganda, This is an unclear propaganda between a friendly source and an unfriendly enemy source. Some experts believe that this propaganda is still ambiguous and therefore black bitter propaganda.

Before the Second World War in 1939, Harcourt, Brace and Company of America published a book called "The Pioneer of Propaganda" known as "Pioneer Propaganda" and categorized propaganda into seven types. Nicknames (usage names mockery), flashing common, transfers, commoners, stacks of cards and musical scores (rah-rah). Despite being over 50 years old, seven types of propaganda have actually been used successfully in modern warfare in the field and are widely used as research material in various literatures.

Well, we rarely know about information warfare. We are now not surprised or surprised when the news is trivial, negative issues, or even beautiful or false news. Nicknames and statements are somewhat warm (sort of "sort") because we can classify and correctly understand what signals should be communicated to the general public. What does the message mean? An interesting struggle in the political world or in the context of information warfare. what do you think?

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