Information War By The Numbers: The Awakening Is Really HERE!

That will be a quick but major update today. The numbers are definitely in and we seriously recommend that you read this very long Avaaz investigation.

The mainstream is losing the information war and although this is extremely encouraging, let's not kid ourselves, we have to expect retaliation at some point.

Remember that Bill and Melinda told us that "we'll listen when the 2nd wave sets in'. What does it mean exactly? Difficult to say but there is a plan B to scare populations further that could take shape in the few months ahead.

This is the Great Trial of all time playing out there, and we are at crossroads: many serious issues are about to collide into a GIANT ONE, such as "smart dust" but we'll dedicate a future blog to it.

But right now we all need a small break from the gloom and doom and enjoy the fact that we are winning the information war and must think as to how to become even more strategic in our approach because we'll need it.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr - Historic Speech in Berlin - 29.8.2020!!

AVAAZ: Facebook's Algorithm: A Major Threat to Public Health. We found that on Facebook, the content from the top 10 websites spreading health misinformation generated almost four times as many views as equivalent content from the top 10 websites of leading health institutions (See list in Table 1.3).

(you may have to click on the image to zoom in or just go to Avaaz)

Then there is another good news:
No later than yesterday, the CDC finally admitted that 94% of covid fatalities had serious comorbidities.

We basically think that the time is ripe to start an organization with a team of lawyers to file a class action against those enabling the junk/processed food diet causing so many chronic diseases. They are among those who destroy our civilization and the environment with all their chemicals.

The Earth custodians would be extremely interested in taking part in such a project as the "research team", so please if you are a lawyer and have a strategy, please leave a message below.

If you too were told to "stay in your lane," and that "you're not a scientist, doctor, or epidemiologist", this video is for you! We at EC are no experts but this is so obvious that truth is not marketable and therefore will rather empower as opposed to inducing government dependence.

The Expert Fallacy: Why Experts Are Often Wrong About New Information

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