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Guess Who Is Funding The 5G Grid?

How much people care about their wallets is a perception to keep the crowds distracted so that the devious “cyber assimilation” can be socially engineered without encountering too much resistance... the 2nd video is quite enlightening: how do you think 5G is being implemented... with FEDERAL MONEY, aka taxpayers.

Of course communication providers are not going to pay for this massive implementation. After the 2 minute mark, paraphrasing: the county is concerned about the 5G arising controversy that could delay federal funding and hopes to get an extension. BINGO... follow the money.

The deception is right in our faces, yet so many still think money will buy their freedoms. In fact, we are funding our demise if we do not use money to expose what is being done to us with it. That's the loophole of money, allowing an escape to end the deception. Every lie creates a loophole.

Every time you see a 5G monstrous tower, think about it, that we are the enablers somehow, because we fail to make the elites accountable.

In the Maxi Igan video, you will hear Musk say that the "control issue" is no longer a problem as we'll become AI... this is absolutely rubbish, because the brain interfaces will monitor human thoughts 24/7. Please help stop the insanity. Thank you!

5G - The Elephant in Your Living Room, 14mins, Max Igan, 2017

ABC7 News: LA Firefighters Halt Cell Towers on Fire Stations Due to Radiation Concerns, 3mins