Thank you to all who continue to use deepdives informationwar tags, who post in the community, and who upvote/follow our curation trail :)

@truthforce writing

It's been busy for a lot of us and I hope everyone is doing great lately :)

A few of us has been going through and curating the #deepdives and #informationwar tag every day or every other day. Keep posting friends and we will keep upvoting!!!

Those who are getting the upvotes will notice 150+ accounts that upvote your post, this is from the people following our curation trail over on

You can follow the curation trail either by following deepdives or informationwar. The informationwar follows deepdives as we merged together recently this year to help everyone get more rewards for creating related content.

You can follow curation trail deepdives here

At present we have a few million HivePower the follows our votes either via the informationwar trail or deepdives trail or another mechanism that some people use to upvote follow that doesn't show who they follow(some whales you might notice the same name coming up over and over hehe). It's kind of an open secret of who does it, you just gotta look at who upvotes on the posts ;)

That's it for now, just saying we are still alive and here, operating in minimal mode as we have all been busy with real life stuff/work/family things. Continue posting so we can continue upvoting!

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