Scripting The Narrative - The Elite and Their Puppets Distorting Reality In Order To Cover Up and Continue War Crimes


The media and Hollywood are right shit these days. Their faux women's empowerment agenda is so boringly obvious old hat crap that at this point its become completely ridiculous. Westworld is one obvious example as its full of the same agenda driven crap where all the women are hero's and all the men are either controlling monsters or weak pathetic assholes.....except of course for the black dude as Hollywood loves to USE them, same as they USE women for their divisive agenda driven bullshit. (The last two Star Wars movies comes to mind......same routine each time.)

On the political stage its the same BS with reality show actor Real Donald Trump playing the bad guy and the faux 'left' wing Hollywood political commentators and talk show hosts playing the foil to their latest Frankenstein's monster. They script the 'reality' for gullible public consumption. The method invokes the Hegelian Dialectic, problem-reaction-solution. Kathy Griffin's 'decapitated Trump's head' comes to mind. All is for show. Its called psychological operations for those not in the know, and Hollywood plays a major role and has done so for a very long time.

Now its Roseanne Barr's turn to play her role within a role. Gotta keep the sheep corralled, distracted, divided and conquered, otherwise they might realize the whole charade is conducted to allow the elitist oligarchs to get away with murderous wars for profit overseas, support for terrorist groups and the raping and pillaging of countries, as well as ripping off the hard working American people that can't keep up with it all, or financially. Meanwhile, these assholes push their #MeToo bullshit to make it seem like they actually care about women. Its pure piss......they are blowing the heads off women and children overseas in Yemen. They turned Libya into a slave state. They USE Russia as a distraction, psychological projection for that which THEY are doing. They are at fault for the EU refugee crisis. They have been supporting the White Helmets in Syria who are al-Qaeda and ISIS in disguise acting as heroic rescuers.......Russia is destroying those terrorists and the US war machine can't have that........and the American people are sleepwalking into their own dystopian future......piece by piece.......blissfully unaware it is even going on. Hence the reason for all the distraction and divisiveness in the first place.

Round and round we hamsters on a wheel....never going anywhere, just further into the corral. WE just cut off Netflix and I feel pretty good about it. :) Been cable free for about a decade now also. I can see the shitshow on the Internet for free....if and when I want to watch that divisive propaganda bullshit.

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