Still think there is no bias in the media?

When Obama spoke up a few weeks ago to give a lukewarm endorsement for Joe Biden, I don't think most of the world really cared because obviously Obama is going to endorse his old Vice President. The things that Obama said in his speech that I bothered to listen to were obvious talking points written by a team of people that say everything but also nothing specific at the same time - this is the sort of political jargon that really gets under my skin. No one will ever say anything specific so they can claim that "Oh I didn't mean THAT!" at a later time.

I did get annoyed by one thing that Obama said in this speech though.

Obama claimed that it was going to be a uphill battle because (and I am paraphrasing) that the Trump campaign has the largest media conglomerate in their pocket.

I can only assume that he is referring to Fox News because they are the biggest, and by far the most popular. It is annoying to me because of the fact that other than Fox News, the Democrats have pretty much everyone else in the media in their pocket. I suppose it is not enough to Barack that the leftists have ALL of the news stations but one, they want that one as well.

There aren't many people out there that will claim that any media, even their news station of choice, is unbiased and to those people I say "congratulations, you know how to think!" None of them are unbiased, and Obama suggesting that they are unbiased except for Fox News (implying it) is a bunch of blowhard nonsense.


I'm not a fan of anyone telling anyone to stay home because of Corona-virus but the media is just such a joke when it comes to their selective application of stay-at-home needs for the public good is concerned.

Look at those articles published by the same company, on the same day, just 14 minutes apart from one another. They come to completely different suggestive outcomes depending on the political leanings of the people involved.

They also cherry pick photos where everyone in one picture appears to be standing far enough apart and are all wearing masks. The other one is of the person liberal news agencies hate the most: Trump without a mask.

Now I do realize that these articles were written by two different sets of people and Alana can't even be fussed to include her picture on her Twitter link, but that doesn't change the obvious political slant of what is going on here.

The same can be applied to my own state of North Carolina, where protesters marching in massive groups in the streets are applauded by the media and not shut down by the state. However, a group of mostly conservative and patriotic people gathering at a racing event (and standing for the national anthem) are attacked by the media and the governor is attempting to shut it down by any means necessary. The state and national media is completely on the side of the protesters and almost uniformly attacks the Ace Speedway for it's weekly defiance gatherings.

This bias isn't new. Check out this CNN timeline on an issue that most of us didn't even hear about.


How can anyone take these news stations seriously?

So Obama, you are correct that Trump has the power of Fox News for the most part, on his side, but the fact that he has literally no one else of note on his side doesn't mean that Fox is being unfair. Fox's bias is evident and it is just funny to me that any liberal (or anyone else) would point at Fox for their bias while completely ignoring the obvious bias that exists with every single other news outlet as well.

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