The US Regional Failure Resorting to the Last Weapon in the arsenal: More Sanctions

Acting tough is a sign of weakness, tough people usually act humble. This is the same in politics and foreign affairs, the loudest noise comes from the weakest whilst the acts of the strongest have deafening sounds.


Trump resorting to the unprecedented 'Maximum Pressure' regime of sanctions against Syria aka Caesar Act is a main sign of the US's decade long-accumulated failures in one of the most sensitive regions in the world, especially at times where the US is living on steroids and is imploding slowly on the internal front.

I've written before a post: The US Caesar Sanctions, Washington’s Last Stray Bullet against Syria explaining how these latest sanctions will, yes add more hardship and suffering on the ordinary Syrian people, but with what you can terrify the people who stood up to over 350,000 NATO-sponsored foreign imported anti-Islamic suicide Wahhabi terrorists and defeated them?

The people Syria, in all cities and towns, witnessed throughout these 9 plus years of the US-led War of Terror against them what no other people have lived through not even the Europeans when they were killing each other in the WWII, this US-led continuous crime against humanity and genocide against the Syrian people have already stretched to double the length of the WWII itself.

I invite you to read this post by politics analyst Professor Tim Anderson detailing further the signs and effects of the Caesar Act: Trump’s ‘Caesar’ Style Siege on Syria, A Sign of Impending Regional Failure

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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