QUOINE Lists Indorse on QRYPTOS

QUOINE and Indorse (IND) are pleased to announce the listing of Indorse on QRYPTOS.

QRYPTOS is QUOINE’s fully digital cryptocurrency exchange and trading platform launched in June 2017.

Indorse is a revolutionary platform using new models of tokenization and decentralization to change the shape of professional social networking. Unlike traditional platforms, Indorse is building a serverless, decentralized network where professionals have full control over their own data as they build their professional profiles and share skills on the platform, benefiting from the platform growth and data insights rather than third parties. Through participation on the platform, members of Indorse are able to earn rewards for sharing more about themselves and for “indorsing” the claims of others.

The IND token is the utility token of the Indorse network used to purchase services on the platform and reward users.

Indorse completed its token sale, raising approximately USD 9 million in September, 2017. Since then the team has grown to 15. Indorse has also entered into excellent collaborations with partners like ServicePlan, Change Finance, Bitjob, Gimli, CanYa, DNN, ConsenSys Ad Tech MetaX, Appcoins, Qiibee and Datawallet which are strengthening the platform as well as helping grow the community. Indorse had the first release in November, with the launch of the CV visualizer and the main profile page, now with over 4.5k signups on the platform.

Available pairs on QRYPTOS are: IND/BTC and IND/ETH.

For more information, see https://indorse.io

Reddit: https://reddit.com/r/indorse

Twitter: https://twitter.com/joinindorse

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JoinIndorse/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/13334646/

White paper: https://indorse.io/static/media/Indorse-Whitepaper-v1.1.a733cc8e.pdf 

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