The Fruits and Vegetables Provide Great Benefits for the Body

Our body has high water content. In addition, our body which consists of a certain amount of water must also be balanced with other nutrients in the form of vitamins and minerals that have cooled our body's cells so that the body is always healthy and fit. Fruits and vegetables have various vitamins and minerals needed by our body. vitamins and minerals have a function in meeting the body's daily nutritional intake so that the body is always vitamins and healthy.

The healthy life starts with what we think and what we eat. And the culture of eating vegetables has existed since time immemorial, even long before there was nutrition that told him clearly there were benefits to his health. Vegetables and fruits are equally low in fat but replace large amounts of vitamins and minerals.

ovements, thereby reducing the risk of colon cancer. because apples do not contain cholesterol and have fiber which greatly reduces cholesterol by preventing reabsorption.

Consumption is fresh food and contains living enzymes and vitamins and nutrients needed by the human body. For example, apples, which have properties can reduce the risk of colon and lung cancer. Although not as much as other fruits, the fiber content in apples greatly helps control bowel movements while broccoli is a type of vegetable that has benefits or benefits to prevent cancer because as a food that can reduce the risk of cancer in the body, and eating broccoli regularly every day is good for the health of the human body. diet programs and many other benefits.

Healthy food is called if we have nutrients in it. For example, it is like vegetables and fruits. Vegetables and fruits are fresh and healthy food.
No matter how old we need the benefits of vegetables and fruits. How important are we eating fruits and vegetables?

Vegetables and fruits are fiber-rich foods, and it is important to eat fruits and vegetables in our daily lives. Because the fiber contained in it can reduce constipation that occurs in the intestine so that the process of defecation and digestion does not have problems. - Ingredients can prevent or cure various users if we consume fruits and vegetables regularly and help with optimal growth, because the longer the cooked vegetables the fewer enzymes and nutrients that live. The antioxidants contained in fruits and vegetables help prevent the onset of disease and before we eat raw vegetables and fruits under running water and soak vegetables and fruits in mixed water with apple vinegar. After soaking, clean with running water.

In consuming fruits and vegetables, while eating vegetables and fruit at the same time, because the fiber contained in the fruit is not as difficult as the fiber contained in vegetables and this will disturb especially those with sensitive digestive systems. and consider the power of human focus. If we eat fruits and vegetables regularly, they have a good long-term memory.

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