Drinking Water Can Lower Weight, Here's How!

Water can hydrate the body, keep us healthy, eliminate toxins from the body and help with bowel movements. In the same way, drinking lots of water is even needed if you are trying to lose weight.
But do you know, the time to drink water may be the key to losing weight effectively? Reporting from the Times of India, according to research, you must drink 500 ml of water before eating.

Why is this time important? An old theory shows, half of the time you feel hungry, actually you also feel thirsty. So, drinking 30 minutes of water before meals will prevent you from overeating.

A study published in the Journal of Obesity involved a group of obese people. In this study, they were asked to drink 500 ml of water 30 minutes before the main meal. Another group was asked to just imagine their stomachs full.

In addition, all groups follow the same diet and exercise for around 12 weeks. At the end of the study it was found that people who drank water before meals lost about 1.5 kg more weight than those who did not drink before eating.

In essence, drinking water is very important and this study proves that proper drinking time can play a major role if you want to lose weight. For this reason, if you are trying to lose weight and get rid of unwanted fat from your body quickly, consume healthy foods, exercise regularly, and drink lots of water at the right time.

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