5 Most Beautiful Marine Places In Indonesia

Indonesia is rich in natural beauty, both in terms of ocean, nature, mountains are all there, but this time I only talk about 5 places only.
Here are 5 amazing marine attractions

  1. Raja Ampat Papua
    Raja Ampat is one of the archipelago pride of Indonesia located in the eastern part of Indonesia precisely in the area of ​​West Papua. Raja Ampat is very famous for its underwater beauty. Almost half of the world's fish species exist in the Raja Ampat sea. There are also many inns that offer the comfort and beauty of Raja Ampat natural scenery.

  2. Pulau Lombok
    Although this place has just been popular but its beauty is not less beautiful.
    Lombok Island is located in the province of West Nusa Tenggara. Lombok Island is a collection of several small islands. Lombok Island tourism mostly is beach tourism. There is a beach Senggigi famous for its underwater beauty. There is a Gili island with several small islands such as Gili water, Gili Terawangan and Gili Meno which has clean white sand that is very beautiful.

  3. Pulau komodo
    Who does not know Komodo Island? the island that is recognized as the 7 wonders of the world, who would have thought in addition to there is a dragons on the island there is also a beautiful beach.

  4. Wakatobi
    Wakatobi is located in Southeast Sulawesi province.
    Wakatobi became one of the national parks that have natural beauty under the sea that is not less good than Raja Ampat and Bunaken. For those of you who like to dive, you must be obliged to visit Wakatobi.

  5. Kepulauan Seribu
    Thousand Islands save so much tourism potential especially marine tourism that you can explore deeper. Because, this thousand islands belong to a group of islands located in North Jakarta and can be easily reached. The Thousand Islands is also included in the Marine Park Marine Conservation Zone called Kepulauan Seribu National Park.

There are many more tourist attractions in Indonesia is just as I think is very beautiful and extraordinary
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