The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

Dear All Steemian!

One certainty that has become the will of God, that in this world all matters are created in pairs. There is good, there is bad, there is a top down there, there is right and there is wrong, there is a clever no fool so on and on. It is fitting that you realize that ”whoever you are, there must be someone who likes and some who hate".


If you are the best good man, then realize that the best person must be hated by the bad person to the worst. However, do not be discouraged, because all good people must love you.

Conversely, if you are a bad person from the worst, then surely you have friends, not just one or two, but a lot of, that is bad people to the worst like you. However, at the same time realize that good people to the best people must also hate you.

Therefore, just feeling that you are good or right is not enough, but look at who your friends and opponents are. If proven, that the person who is happy with you is a person who is lecherous, lustful, lazy worshipers, fools, nan hina, then that's your indication similar to them.


Conversely, if those who hate you are good people, they are diligent in worship, knowledgeable and noble deeds, then this is clear proof that you are not from their class.

In short! Please conceal your identity, in any way, but know that your friends are a mirror of yourself. Everyone will easily recognize yourself from the friends around you. In a saying goes :
”Do not ask about a person, but ask about his friend, because every human must imitate the behavior of his best friend.”

The sheep will never be friendly with wolves, just as a serigalapun will not be able to hold his hunger in order to be friends with sheep.

This is the article from me today, hopefuly useful !

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