President Joko Widodo asserted Jokowi rate weakening of the rupiah until almost close to Rp 14,000 per US dollar has not been worrying.

President Joko Widodo asserted Jokowi rate weakening of the rupiah until almost close to Rp 14,000 per US dollar has not been worrying.

Although the middle rate is volatile, Indonesia's macroeconomic indicators are still considered good. For example, he still sees inflation, economic growth, and export value at a reasonable level.

Based on data from the Central Bureau of Statistics, trade balance and calendar year inflation during the first quarter of 2018 each recorded a surplus of 280 million US dollars and 0.99 percent. Meanwhile, Indonesia recorded an economic growth of 5.07 percent last year.

"I believe our economic fundamentals are good," said Jokowi, Monday (30/4/2018).

He said the government would not intervene in monetary policy to address the continued weakening of the Rupiah against the US Dollar. Related to this, the government fully surrendered to Bank Indonesia (BI).

"The government will not intervene in monetary affairs because this policy is in BI," said Jokowi at Grand Sahid Hotel, Jakarta, Monday (30/4/2018).

The former governor of DKI Jakarta also asked the public not to worry about the weakening rupiah that continues to occur. Therefore, this phenomenon not only affects Indonesia, but also other countries in the world.

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