Togetherness, The Key to Steemit Indonesia's Success (Bilingual)

I always keep up with every thing about Stemians Indonesia who joined in Steemit Indonesia Community (KSI) in various regions through post about the meet-up activities that took place there. In addition, I also monitor through the posting of each member of KSI. So far, the conditions can be concluded quite positively.

All this can not be separated from the spirit of togetherness that continues to grow in the midst of the Indonesia Steemit Community (KSI). Of course this is not the curator work, but the work of all stemians so that KSI is getting stronger.

The senior stemians have been pleased to provide true direction and guidance to newcomers. So they understand about steemit appropriately. Motivate them, so as not to be easily discouraged. Provide tips and experience, so they can survive.

The introduction and proper guidance at the beginning of joining will indeed be crucial for the behavior of the next stemians. Proverbial, if mistaken at the beginning, it will be difficult to straighten in the future.

One of the most important doctrines to be imparted to all stemians is that there is no easy path in steemit. All must fight by continuing to post and maintain originality. Although the results have not met their expectations. But still must take care of the spirit, consistent to work. Due to the fact, those who have enjoyed the results today are not necessarily born and growth.

There is a process to go through. Even for the early generations, the process is much more difficult. Because the community and the number of Indonesian Stemians at that time was still minimal. Now we have a community, have a senior who can guide. So there's no reason to complain and give up. Let's support each other so it can continue to grow together.

As the wise say, Rome was not built in one night. This sentence gives an important value that a success can not be achieved in an instant. Let's continue to take care of the spirit, let's continue to care for togetherness. Together in the Steemit Community of Indonesia.

Image Source: 1, 2, 3, 4


Kebersamaan, Kunci Sukses Steemit Indonesia

Saya mengikuti terus setiap perkembangan Stemians Indonesia yang tergabung dalam Komunitas Steemit Indonesia (KSI) di pelbagai daerah melalui postingan tentang kegiatan meet-up yang berlangsung di sana. Selain itu, saya juga memantau melalui postingan setiap anggota KSI. Sejauh ini, kondisi yang bisa disimpulkan cukup positif.

Semua ini tidak terlepas dari semangat kebersamaan yang terus tumbuh di tengah-tengah Komunitas Steemit Indonesia (KSI). Tentu ini bukan kerja kurator, namun kerja semua stemian sehingga KSI semakin kuat.

Para stemians senior telah berkenan memberi arahan dan bimbingan yang benar kepada pendatang baru. Sehingga mereka memahami steemit secara tepat. Memotivasi mereka, agar tidak mudah patah semangat. Memberikan tips dan pengalaman, sehingga mereka bisa survive.

Pengenalan dan bimbingan yang tepat saat awal bergabung memang akan sangat menentukan bagi perilaku stemians berikutnya. Ibaratnya, bila keliru di awal, maka akan sulit untuk diluruskan di kemudian hari.

Salah satu doktrin penting yang harus ditanamkan kepada semua stemians adalah bahwa tidak ada jalan mudah di steemit. Semua harus bertarung dengan terus melahirkan postingan dan menjaga orisinalitas. Sekalipun hasilnya belum memenuhi harapan masing-masing. Namun tetap harus merawat semangat, konsisten untuk berkarya. Karena faktanya, mereka yang sudah menikmati hasil hari ini juga tidak serta merta lahir dan besar.

Ada proses yang harus dilalui. Bahkan untuk generasi awal, proses yang dilalui jauh lebih sulit. Karena komunitas dan jumlah Stemians Indonesia kala itu masih minim. Sekarang kita punya komunitas, punya senior yang bisa membimbing. Maka tak ada alasan lagi untuk berkeluh kesah dan menyerah. Mari kita saling support sehingga bisa terus sama-sama tumbuh.

Seperti kata bijak, Roma tidak dibangun dalam satu malam. Kalimat ini memberikan nilai penting bahwa sebuah kesuksesan tidak bisa diraih dalam sekejap. Mari terus merawat semangat, mari terus merawat kebersamaan. Bersama dalam Komunitas Steemit Indonesia.

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