Indonesia is Optimistic Towards the Olympics (Bilingual)

Indonesia's success in hosting the 18th Asian Games which took place from 18-08-18 until 02-09-18 in Jakarta and Palembang received recognition from various countries of the participants, the President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Thomas Bach, and the President of the Olimpyc Council of Asia (OCA) Sheikh Ahmad Al Fahad Al Sabah when meeting President Joko Widodo at Bogor Palace, Saturday, September 1, 2018.

In addition to being successful as an organizer, Indonesia also won the highest achievement in the history of the Asian Games, namely by getting 31 gold medals, 23 silver medals, and 40 bronzes until Saturday (1/9/2018) at 19.30 WIB. The change of Indonesia adds medals still open from several branches until the close. However, the position of the top four under China, Japan and South Korea is difficult to be swayed by other contingents. Indonesia's target in the Asian Games is to enter the top 10.

According to Thomas Bach, as quoted by several online media, Indonesia has every element needed to successfully move the Olympics. In addition to facilities that meet Olympic standards, there is also public enthusiasm in supporting an event as seen in the Asian Games despite being held in the city world.

After meeting Bach and Sheikh Ahmad, President Jokowi said Indonesia would propose to host the upcoming 2032 Olympics. All preparations for going there will be well prepared.

However, before heading for the long 2032 Olympics, in the future Indonesia must prepare for the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo, Japan. Achievements at the Asian Games must continue for branches that are competed in olympics such as badminton, karate, athletics, taekwondo, wushu, and several other branches that become an obligatory sport in the Olympics.

To be able to pass athletes to the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, Indonesian athletes must collect points from now on and several other branches must attend pre-qualifications. The sports parent organization must prepare from now on so that Indonesia can get as many athletes as possible so that the medal chances are greater.

With a history that has been inscribed in the Asian Games, Indonesia is optimistic towards at the 2020 Olympics and has a long time preparing itself to host the 2032 Olympics as a good and accomplished host.


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Indonesia Optimis Menatap Olimpiade

Keberhasilan Indonesia menjadi tuan rumah Asian Games ke-18 yang berlangsung sejak 18-08-18 sampai 02-09-18 di Jakarta dan Palembang, mendapat pengakuan dari berbagai negera peserta,  Presiden International Olympic Committee (IOC) Thomas Bach, dan Presiden Olimpyc Council of Asia (OCA) Syeikh Ahmad Al Fahad Al Sabah ketika berjumpa dengan Presiden Joko Widodo di Istana Bogor, Sabtu 1 September 2018.

Selain sukses sebagai penyelenggara, Indonesia juga berhasil meraih prestasi tertinggi dalam sejarah Asian Games, yakni dengan mendapatkan 31 medali emas, 23 perak, dan 40 perunggu sampai Sabtu (1/9/2018) pukul 19.30 WIB. Peluang Indonesia menambah medali masih terbuka dari beberapa cabang sampai menjelang penutupan. Namun, posisi empat besar di bawah China, Jepang, dan Korea Selatan sulit digoyahkan kontingen lain. Target Indonesia dalam Asian Games adalah masuk 10 besar.

Menurut Thomas Bach seperti dikutip beberapa media online, Indonesia memiliki setiap unsur yang diperlukan agar bisa menyelenggerakan Olimpiade dengan sukses. Selain fasilitas yang memenuhi standar olimpiade, juga antusiasme masyarakat dalam mendukung sebuah even seperti yang terlihat dalam Asian Games meski dilaksanakan di dunia kota.

Seusai bertemu Bach dan Syeikh Ahmad, Presiden Jokowi mengatakan Indonesia akan mengajukan diri sebagai tuan rumah Olimpiade 2032 mendatang. Semua persiapan menuju ke sana akan disiapkan dengan baik.

Namun,  sebelum menuju Olimpiade 2032 yang masih panjang, ke depan Indonesia harus mempersiapkan diri menghadapi Olimpiade 2020 di Tokyo, Jepang. Prestasi di Asian Games harus berlanjut untuk cabang-cabang yang dipertandingkan di olimpiade seperti bulutangkis, karate, atletik, taekwondo, wushu, dan beberapa cabang lain yang menjadi cabang olahraga wajib dalam olimpiade.

Untuk bisa meloloskan atlet ke Olimpiade Tokyo 2020, atlet Indonesia harus mengumpulkan poin sejak sekarang dan beberapa cabang lainnya harus mengikuti pra kualifikasi. Organisasi induk olahraga harus menyiapkan dari sekarang agar Indonesia bisa meloloskan atlet sebanyak mungkin agar peluang meraih medali semakin besar.

Dengan sejarah yang sudah ditorehkan dalam Asian Games, Indonesia optimis menatap Olimpiade 2020 dan memiliki waktu panjang mempersiapkan diri menjadi tuan rumah Olimpiade 2032 sebagai tuan rumah yang baik dan berprestasi.


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