COC Dark Elixir Troops

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Welcome to my latest blog this is your host @furiousboy from India. I share thoughts on various categories of topics such as entertainment, sports, mobile games, PC games, life events, and some time on life philosophy.

In Clash of Clans, dark elixir troops are a special type of unit that can only be trained using dark elixir, a rare and valuable resource. These troops are typically more powerful and specialized than regular troops, and they can provide a significant advantage in battle. In this blog, we will take a closer look at the dark elixir troops in Clash of Clans and their hit points, as well as some strategies for using them effectively in battle.

There are several different dark elixir troops available in the game, each with their own unique abilities and attributes. Some of the most popular and effective dark elixir troops include:

Golems: These heavily-armored, melee units are similar to Giants, but they have even more hit points and can take out enemy defenses with their powerful slam attacks. Golems are vulnerable to being taken out by enemy spells or hero units, so it is important to use them in combination with other troops or spells to support them.


Lava Hounds: These flying units are similar to Balloons, but they have more hit points and can take out enemy defenses with their powerful fire attacks. Lava Hounds are vulnerable to being taken out by enemy air defenses, so it is important to use them in combination with other troops or spells to support them.


Valkyries: These heavily-armored, melee units are similar to Golems, but they have the ability to spin around and attack multiple enemies at once. Valkyries have moderate hit points and are effective at taking out enemy defenses and troops, but they are vulnerable to being taken out by enemy spells or hero units.


Bowler: These ranged units are similar to Archers, but they have the ability to roll large, explosive boulders at enemy defenses and troops. Bowlers have moderate hit points and are effective at taking out enemy defenses and troops, but they are vulnerable to being taken out by enemy spells or hero units.

Img source: COC WIKI

Witch: This ranged unit is similar to Wizards, but it has the ability to summon Skeleton troops to fight alongside it. Witches have moderate hit points and are effective at taking out enemy defenses and troops, but they are vulnerable to being taken out by enemy spells or hero units.


Hog Rider: This fast, agile unit is similar to the Barbarian, but it is mounted on a wild hog and has the ability to jump over enemy walls. Hog Riders have moderate hit points and are effective at taking out enemy defenses and troops, but they are vulnerable to being taken out by enemy spells or hero units. Hog Riders are best used in combination with other troops or spells to support them, as they can be easily overwhelmed by enemy forces.


Ice Golem: This heavily-armored, melee unit is similar to the Giant, but it has the ability to freeze enemy troops and defenses with its icy attacks. Ice Golems have moderate hit points and are effective at taking out enemy defenses, but they are vulnerable to being taken out by enemy spells or hero units. Ice Golems are best used in combination with other troops or spells to support them, as they can be easily overwhelmed by enemy forces.


Minion: This flying unit is similar to the Baby Dragon, but it has the ability to split into smaller minions when it is defeated. Minions have low hit points and are not very effective at taking out enemy defenses, but they can be used to distract enemy defenses and soak up damage. Minions are best used in combination with other troops or spells to support them, as they can be easily overwhelmed by enemy forces.

Img source: COC WIKI - FANDOM

Headhunter: This heavily-armored, melee unit is similar to the Golem, but it has the ability to steal enemy troops and turn them against their own side. Headhunters have moderate hit points and are effective at taking out enemy defenses and troops, but they are vulnerable to being taken out by enemy spells or hero units. Headhunters are best used in combination with other troops or spells to support them, as they can be easily overwhelmed by enemy forces.


To use these dark elixir troops effectively in battle, it is important to consider their strengths and weaknesses, as well as the enemy defenses and troops that you will be facing. Some strategies for using these troops include:

Using a combination of different troops to take advantage of their strengths and cover for their weaknesses. For example, pairing up Golems with Bowlers can be a powerful combination, as the Golems can soak up damage and distract enemy defenses while the Bowlers take out enemy defenses from a distance.

Using spells and hero units to support your troops and take out enemy defenses and troops. For example, using a Healing Spell to keep your troops alive, or using the Barbarian King to take out enemy defenses.

Knowing when to retreat and rebuild your army. If you are facing an enemy that is too strong, it may be best to retreat and rebuild your army rather than throwing it all away in a futile attack.

Dark elixir troops in Clash of Clans are a powerful and specialized type of unit that can provide a significant advantage in battle. By understanding their hit points and abilities, and using them in combination with other troops and spells to support them, you can create a formidable and versatile army. However, it is important to use them wisely, as they are expensive and can be easily overwhelmed by enemy forces if used improperly.

That's it for the day this is @furiousboy signing off for the day, until next time keep reading, keep learning, keep growing and keep enjoying my blogs, and show your support to me if you like my blogs by voting for me and by commenting below.

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