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A father who usually works at night gets a turn to tell his children before going to bed because he is on work

A father who usually works at night gets a turn to tell his children before going to bed because he is on work. Because at that hour is the father's bedtime, then the hard struggle against sleepiness is a sure thing plus must use English. Then this is the story ...
Son: father, tonight we want father to tell us about Noah ...
Father: OK, do you know what prophet Noah is? Child: (starts counting then says) The third prophet ...
Father: Alright, Noah was the Prophet after the prophets Adam and Idris, and blah blah blah ... (the father continued to talk in a state of heavy sleepiness plus thinking about the history of Noah, and in a semi-conscious state the story arrived until the time Noah had finished The ship) 😌😌
Son: how big is Noah's ship?
Father: Big time, as big as the field (there was a moment of silence and it turns out the father had had a dream for a while) 😴😴😴 Son: father, father ... father ...?
Father: Huh? Hmmmmm (while continuing the story) so after everyone gathered in the field, finally everyone got into the car and some took the bus and they were all happy ...
Child: ??? why is there a bus with dad's car? Dad: Huh ... what, what ... (not the car I mean, but the boat, so everyone boarded the ship that Noah made ... finally they survived all, and THE END ... time to sleep girls..😪 😪
Child: ??? Father: Good nite girls, love you .. (while leaving the room asking questions, the father thought to himself, what is the connection between Noah's Boat with the Bus and Car, that's the sleepy Favors)
Note: If you are telling stories, make sure Coffee also accompanies you