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Grim Introduction

Greeting and salutations. I go by the designation Grimsical, because, I am both grim and whimsical. Like a circus where all the clowns have cancer, I do everything I can to make people laugh and then feel horrible about themselves afterwards. So please, feel free to dive in and have some fun... if you can.

Most of the content here will be short (hopefully) articles and lectures (read: "diatribes") on politics, philosophy, and theology. I'll try to keep the topics interesting, but no promises. As you probably have guessed, I've put a lot of thought into this and decided that running a blog on the most obscure corner of the internet was more cost-effective than buying a diary. So that's what I'm doing. Plus, I get to pretend that I'm an entrepreneur because this website has a 0.000001% chance of turning a profit so it technically qualifies as an investment.

Now, time to end this intro with some generic internet phrases: "So GuYs, ThIs iS wHeRe i'M gOnNa eNd ToDay. Be SuRe tO SMASH tHaT LiKe bUtToN- aNd iF yOu'Re NeW hErE, bE sUrE tO PUNCH THE HELL OuT oF tHaT fOLloW bUtToN! Be suRe tO fOlLOw mE oN iNstTaGrAm oR oN MySpAcE. WhAt dO yOu tHiNk aBoUt tHiS iNtRo? LeAvE A cOmMenT BEloW aNd LeT mE kNoW! dAb oN tHeM HaTErS!"
