School on Blockchain: John and Hive K-12

I wasn't sure I wanted to post this yet because my thoughts are only just forming. But I was just chatting with a friend about Blockchain and Crypto assets and the disruption that they will bring. As we talked it became clearer to me that the there are so many possibilities that are still worth exploring in this space and so I want to start sorting out my ideas. So first, a vignette:

John is 5 years old. He is about to start his first year of pre-school and his mom and Dad connect to the school district or ministry website in order to complete the age-old ritual of signing John up for the first year of school. Mom logs on to the website. She is asked to enter an encryption code that the school authorities already sent to her. She enters the code and is asked to verify a username and secure encryption key for the education authorities K-12 schooling blockchain called HIVE K-12. Mom completes the sign up process.

Once the sign up is complete she is rewarded with 100 HIVE tokens. The token reward is presented just for mom enrolling John in the positive social activity of school.

Photo by CDC on Unsplash

Dad accesses the Hive K-12 wallet and uses some tokens to purchase school supplies for little John. He leaves any remaining tokens for other educational experiences that John might need throughout the year. These tokens can be used to purchase physical reading books, pencils, crayons, markers anything from the Kindergarten Hive K-12 store. They are a social reward from the Blockchain for enrolling little John in school.

As John attends school throughout the year, he is learning and growing. With each new level of performance related to engagement, motivation, participation, learning and competency attainment, more tokens are applied to his Hive K-12 wallet.

The tokens are continuously generated as students enter Hive K-12 and as more students develop in competency, growth and learning. They are the proceeds from the mining or witnessing proof-of-work on the blockchain. Each child in John's class and across John's school district or ministry are all having a similar experience. Each child has enough resources to continue their education and have all the supplies they need.

John and all his cohorts have equal access to educational opportunity because the tokens generated from the blockchain reward all of them for staying in school, attaining competencies and progressing through their academic programs.

The Hive K-12 blockchain does not only reward students for academic performance, it also allows students to post extra curricular assignments, activities, performances and field trips. As John and his parents verify these experiences, he attains more rewards.


Photo by stem.T4L on Unsplash

John spends the weekend assembling a Lego robot with his dad. Dad catalogs the experience of John's construction and posts them to Hive K-12. The blockchain verifies the experience. A smart contract realizes that John is only 5 but the Lego is a 7 year old target activity. It gives John a special badge and awards him 10% more Hive that normal for an extra curricular activity.

John's mom and Dad attends all the parent teacher functions and also volunteers for school activities. They too are able to earn more Hive K-12 tokens and badges.

They learn that their is a family down the street has trouble getting John's classmate Margret to school. So they pitch in and car pool to drop off both kids. Both families earn more rewards for supporting the academic success of the children.

At the end of John's elementary schooling. He has accrued a high volume of Hive K12 tokens and badges. These rewards are used to calculate his valedictorian award through a smart contract. He is able to either take all his tokens and move to the next level or leave some behind for other Hive K12 students who are entering the system.

The Hive K-12 blockchain also manages teacher and administrator salary and school curriculum.

But that is another vignette....

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