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# 14th day of support to victims of the Russian-Ukrainian war all over Ukraine "ILYSA RAZOM"

Thanks for everyone who donates us.

What we've already done:

1. Delivered all over Kyiv

  • Delivered medicines to the hospital
    (40 first aid kits; 120 sterile bandages)

  • Delivered to Kiev Blood Center
    (Systems for blood transfusion; Dial for taking capillary blood; Hemacon quadruple; Syringe 2.5, 10 cube; Bandage 10x15; Gauze; Tourniquet/turnstile; Adrenaline; Albumin; Heparin vial; Fraxiparine; Tramixan acid; Aminocapronic acid; Noofen; Etamzilat; Dexamethasone; Hydrocartisol; Diphenhydramine; Analgin)
  • Delivered to the Hospital #15
    (toilet paper - 8 packs; 1 box of bread)
  • Delivered to the Red cross
    (Bread-1 sac; Groats-1 sac; Macaroni-1 sac; Cookies-2 box; sugar-18 kg; onion-0.5 sac)

Yesterday guys from restaurant made for our organization 100 meals. And we delivered them to different people.

  • We also delivered clothes:
    (T-shirts - 135 pcs; Socks - 104 pairs; Briefs for men - 24 pcs; Gloves - 9 pcs; Gloves - 20 pcs; Men's sweater - 21 pieces)

2. Medicines for children to the village Rzhyshchiv
(Baby food - 4 boxes; Bakery, malt - 3 boxes; Pampers 7 packages; Toilet paper - 1 pack; Baby juices - 1 box; Hygiene products, pcs: Wet wipes - 5; dry wipes - 2; shampoo - 2; liquid soap - 2; soap - 3; toothpaste - 6)

3. Delivered to Desna
(Canned meat - 4 boxes; Canned fish - 3 boxes; Adjika - 1 box; Bag of buckwheat - 1; Preservation - box 1; Toilet paper - block; Pampers Det - 15 pcs; Pampers for adults - 3 Packs; Canned beans - 1 box; Bread - 2 boxes; Macaroni - 2 boxes; Cookies - 1 box)

4. Delivered to Poltava
(Groats-1 sac)

5. Delivered to Vyshhorod
(Carcass - 5 boxes; Groats - 2 bags; Baby food - 2 boxes; Cookies - 4 boxes; Baby diapers - 1 box; Juices for children - 1 box; Apples - 2 boxes; Wet wipes; Lard - 1 box; Flour - 1 box; Pasta - 3 boxes; Hygiene - 1 box; Toilet paper - 3 pack; Milk - 2 boxes; Portioned tea - box; Sugar - 1 box; Women's pads - 1 box; Cotton wool - 1 box; Pate - stew - 1 box)

6. This is 10 tons of clothes and 3 tons of food we've delivered to Chernivtsi.

Support to victims of the Russian-Ukrainian war all over Ukraine "ILYSA RAZOM"

ILYSA RAZOM - is an association of people who provide support to victims of the Russian-Ukrainian war all over Ukraine. We are a non-governmental, non-profit organization, the work of which is based on the implementation of charitable activities in the interests of Ukrainian society. The organization was created during the war, and it operates solely on a volunteer basis, in with the support of volunteers.

The purpose of the organization is to provide food, medicine and clothing to all those in need.

In such a difficult time for all of us, we must unite, we must be together, so the help of each of you would be invaluable.

Together (Razom)