UN Agenda 21 in India Exposed - An Illuminati plan for World Domination

This video exposes how the Global Elite are using the United Nations to push India and the rest of the world into a technocratic dystopian nightmare. This information is very important for Indians & everyone else to understand if we want to live in a society free from slavery! Please share far & wide.

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Video content :
1:00 - Introduction
2:05 - UN's version of Agenda 21
4:44 - Rosa Koire's take on Agenda 21
5:50 - Patrick Wood's take on Agenda 21
7:12 - Marc Morano's take on Agenda 21
9:50 - The origins of Agenda 21
11:40 - Real goals of this Agenda
13:11 - How this Agenda is being pushed by local municipal bodies in India
14:50 - Hunger Games Society
16:50 - Description of the upcoming Technocratic World Government & Megaregions
21:00 - Human Settlement zones
22:10 - India's war on tribal people
24:30 - Overcrowding in cities
24:57 - Aarey forest's connection to Agenda 21
26:15 - 7 megacities in India by 2030
27:37 - Ways to get people off the land
28:55 - India's ex enivromental minister Anil Dave's position on weather modification & GMO's, & his mysterious death.
31:45 - Introduction to the Global Environment Facility & the World Wildlife Fund
32:10 - Debt for Nature Swaps
33:00 - WWF's shady history & how it steals land from tribals worldwide
34:10 - Surveilance state, China's Social credit system's real implication
36:25 - Zbigniew Brezinski, James Clapper & David Patreas' statements on surveillance
37:35 - Aadhar & its eventual evolution into mandatory microchipping
38:40 - Microapartments & their rising trend in Mumbai
40:55 - the Depopulation Agenda
41:50 - Engineered wars & WW3
42:30 - Destruction of Human health
43:00 - "Smart" drugs
44:00 - Police/Military Fascist imposition & the coming AI robot armies
45:40 - A glimpse into the future
50:10 - Conclusion

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