OneLedger - Helping Blockchain reach Mass Adoption

Imagine you’re a company that wants to build a blockchain solution. Today you have to choose among the different solutions out there. Which one should you choose? Ethereum, NEO, Wanchain, EOS? The list goes on forever. Which one fits my company the best? Hard questions, and in my view a clear obstacle for mass adoption for blockchain technology

This is where OneLedger comes in

OneLedger offers a 3-layer consensus protocol built to provide seamless integration of various Blockchain applications to be used by their users.

This is also known as ”interoperability”. It lets different blockchains talk, and interact with each other. Thereby allowing users to remain platform agnostic, and to choose between the best features that each blockchain has to offer.

A fantastic idea!

The OneLedger architecture relies on two core principles: Side Chains and business modularization.

Side Chains

A Side Chain is essentially а scalable “off-chain” solution: no need of any confirmation; very low commissions, which will also allow micro-payments; instant payments, as you will not have to wait for the miners to confirm.

Today, if I want to transfer digital assets ‘across’ chains, I have to transer my assets to intermediary centralized exchanges, swap the assets, and then transfer the new assets back to their corresponding blockchains. This process is, of course, time consuming, costly and involves substantial third-party risks

Business Modularization

This means that businesses will be able to create specific modules (dApps) for their needs via user-friendly API system. I really look forward to see this in action since I think this will have a huge demand among business users. Imagine being able to create your own blockchain solution in a user-friendly way, using different blockchains for specific needs!

Again: something much needed for mass adoption among companies and the general public

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The team members and advisors are made up of a really good mix of technical and business-minded people.

I strongly look forward to this project, and I sincerely hope it will lead to more agnostic blockchain projects in the future

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