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Platform is open - Details you need for EthicHub Alpha!

Thanks to all supporters for walking this path with us and thanks to all the contributors of our presale who have made this possible. We are really excited about launching our MVP (Minimum Viable Product).

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Lending is open here:

On Saturday the 23rd we are finally kicked off the EthicHub platform, the network that will allow those who want to gain a profit for their savings with those who need an economic push to improve their productivity. Like partners they will create positive impact towards a more sustainable world and financial system, while they both obtain a valuable profit.

We have come across a good bunch of obstacles, and we are pretty sure that more are to come, but our dream is there, we can see it materialising and we know the direction we need to go. And last, but not least, we feel we are not alone, you are with us.

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Jori (CEO), Raul (CTO) and Gabriela (PR&Partners) at the Non Central Conf, Saturday 23rd, presenting the MVP Launch.

Platform Access

You will be able to access and create your user account on the platform as of NOW. The official link to access and create your profile is this:
Important: Install and create your Metamask wallet in order to lend on the platform (more information below).


In order to be able to start lending you will need to verify your personal information/identity via a process called Know Your Customer (KYC). This is a general and obligatory legal requirement against money laundering. Once you have proven your identity (takes usually only a few minutes to complete) you will be able to start funding the projects on the platform. In the area of "Profile" > "Identity Verification" of the platform you can verify your details once you have created an account. Follow all the necessary steps on screen. In some cases you need to refresh the verification page to see the result, if nothing changes after a while.

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Photos from Mexico and the San Rafael Community

The Platform

The Platform consists of a straightforward front end that shows the uploaded projects, introduces us to the communities and local nodes. It allows us to consult the conditions and lend money to these projects using Metamask. If you haven`t used it yet please install it from their website:

Important: The initial version of the project works with Metamask only, we will generate a wallet and integrate with others in future versions.

The first Loan Project

The first loan receiver is the "Comunidad de San Rafael" in Unión Juárez, in the state of Chiapas, México. This 1st loan has an interest rate of15%, it will stay open for a maximum of 14 days or earlier until it is filled. You can choose how much of this loan you would like to contribute to. In the next weeks we will add more loans, we have a number of projects already in the pipeline so in case you miss out on the first one, there will be more!
Information about each project can be viewed in the platform by clicking on each of the projects. There you will also find the slider to choose the amount you want to lend. You can manually enter it as well by clicking on the amount and the entering your desired number on the keyboard.

Please contact us on Telegram in our public channels for any questions related to the launch and on how to lend.



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EthicHub Loan Bounty

To add some fun to the action we will give everyone who participates in the first loan and posts a selfie of the act on our English Telegram channel ( a 50 ETHIX token bounty.

In order to do so, please send us a selfie, showing your computer screen with the platform/project page visible, together with the Ethereum wallet address used, amount you are lending, correct full name and email address to with the subject line "EthicHub Alpha Loan Bounty". Please make sure you are sending it from the email address you used to register on our platform.

The small print: Bounties will be applied after the end of our token sale in October this year and only if we are able to verify that the transaction took place from the user who sent us the details. By sending us your information you explicitly agree that we repost your photo on our social channels (Twitter & Facebook).

ETHICHUB - Helping Becomes Profitable