Are you Addicted to cryptocurrency??


People have many addictions some are addicted to food and some are addicted to shopping But Do you know some people are crazy behind cryptocurrency

According to a Scottish hospital which announced on Monday that it had launched a rehabilitation program for people addicted to trading digital currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum.

Answer these questions to check where you are cryptocurrency addict or not? If you answer 'yes' to more than five questions then you are cryptocurrency addicted.

  1. Do you overthink about Cryptocurrency?

  2. Do you Spend a lot of money to Buy and sell cryptocurrency?

  3. Do you want to stop cryptocurrency Trading but not able to do?

  4. Has your cryptocurrency trading habit affected your professional and personal life?

  5. Do you expect people to land money when you have lost money on cryptocurrency investment?

  6. Do you keep Trading in cryptocurrency after losing money to try to gain it back?

  7. Are you trading in cryptocurrency to avoid life problems or to change your mood?

  8. Do you run behind the people and tell them to invest in the same?

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