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Iceland Invasion of Turks or Turkish Pirates on Viking Lands

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Vikings is not a well-known figure in the popular Ottoman History but especially about the Charles XII[1] of Sweden is well known story. In Turkish, he is called as “Demirbaş Şarlken”(Ironhead[2] Charles). He lived more than 5 years in Ottoman Empire and he was effectful the about Russian politics of the empire. After his leaving from Ottoman land to turn back to his homeland, unfortunately he could not live very long.

But my answer will be more about Iceland Voyage of Ottoman Pirates. Cause of the 1627 activities of Ottomans on Iceland, “there was no legal issue to kill a Turk” till 1970’s. So, killing a Turk in the island was not different than killing an insect.

It was cause Murat Reis the Younger[3] that is also called Jan Janszoon (Jan Jansen Van Haarlem) who was born in the Netherland. He was mostly active in the Mediterreanan side of Africa. He captured by Algerians and proselityzed his religion to Islam like his friend “Simon de Danser who is also known as Suleyman Reis”. Pirate activities had a half-official navy activity in Middle Age on the geography. He acted first he was first under protection of Moroccan Sultan but after a period, he moved Sale Island near Rabat. He created a kind of parliament with 14 pirates like him. Moroccan Sultan did not like it and surrounded the island but could not conquer and gave them an autonomy.

During Murat Reis's activities around the English Channel, he gained young Hollanders as his crew and became more popular. The Netherland authorites tried to make him turn his home but it did not work.

He found a Danish guide for bigger adventures and invaded Reyjavik which is capital of Iceland nowadays but was belonging Danish Kingdom on the days I am talking about and took a ship filled by dried fish and 400 captives[4]. Then, he chose Ireland and England to be able get more. He had even a poem that is about him[5] but he somehow captured again by Maltese Knights but run away. After it, we do not know so much about him.

His son(probably) was Anthony Jansen Van Saledir[6] who has a nickname that is “Turkish Anton”.

To get more information about his invasion on Iceland please check the document[7] that is bi-lingual (Turkish and English)

[2] it also means a living or non-living thing that its responsilibity belongs to an officer who is working for the state.
