Everyone's favorite ice cream

In the summer, people become unstoppable. They rush to be a little cooler. Many people eat ice cream to cool the mind. Ice cream is a favorite food for everyone. It is difficult to find people who do not like it. But there are some people who have already eaten ice cream but can not eat now, because there are some reasons, I will not discuss it today. Today we will discuss the small events that took place in
childhood with the help of eating ice cream. Many incidents of childhood have not been seen anymore. And as usual the parents did not take any advice about eating ice cream as before. Eating babyhood ice cream was also a lot of fun from eating ice cream.

[source ]https://pixabay.com/en/dessert-sweet-ice-cream-cake-2611776/

I have shared a small event with you about eating ice cream in my childhood. I would then have a very small age of about 7-8 years. We used to sell ice cream here and make a small 2-wheeled cotton box and sell ice cream inside the box with ice cream and ice cream. And the ice seller was in the hands of a bell he would play that bell and screamed ice cream. We all run the children behind the ice cream vendor.

[source ]https://pixabay.com/en/ice-cream-cone-melting-hot-1274894/

Like every day, ice cream dealers were selling ice cream and the bell was playing. When I heard the sound of the bell, I went to my mother and said, 'Give me the money. I will eat the ice cream. I kept quiet because I did not say anything, I told my mother to eat ice cream and give me money. Mother said, ice cream can not be eaten. Several times I said I would eat ice cream and give me money. Mother did not agree to pay anything. I spent a lot of weeping and then the ice cream seller went away. I used to eat ice cream. I did not know when I was asleep in my house by crying and crying. Then my father's call was to sleep. After the wake of his father, I asked him to eat rice, I told him not to eat rice. Dad got angry and understood that. And my mother told my father. Dad brought ice cream for me at night. Today, the ice cream is not meant to be eaten. Now there is freeze fridge in the house itself, it can be easily cooked by making ice cream. The ingredients are made of solid cream, milk, sugar, banana, lemon juice, egg, wood nut, garnish, cardamom, cinnamon, mawa. I can eat ice cream.

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