religious tour mosque islamic center lhokseumawe

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Wherever you are, may be in health always. The islamic centre is located in the heart of lhokseumawe city with a middle-eastern feel,
Because of its beauty and grandeur in addition to being a place of worship of the ummah of Islam, islamic center now become a religious tourist spot that is used by the tourism.

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Dimanapun Anda berada, mudah-mudahan dalam kesehatan selalu.Masjid islamic centre yang berada di jantung kota lhokseumawe dengan membawa nuansa timur tengah,
Karena keindahan dan kemegahannya selain menjadi tempat ibadah ummat islam, kini islamic center menjadi tempat wisata religi yang sangat dimanfaatkan oleh parawisata,
Currently the mosque islamic center has been attached to the community lhokseumawe as well as an ironic symbol of the city lhokseumawe
With the establishment of mosque islamic center makes the development of Islamic Shari'ah in the city of lhoksemawe more bolting.
Saat ini masjid islamic centre sudah melekat dengan masyarakat lhokseumawe sekaligus menjadi simbol ironik kota lhokseumawe
Dengan berdirinya masjid islamic centre membuat perkembangan syari'at islam di kota lhoksemawe lebih memesat

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