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IAAC Day 108 - So I had to fire my therapy dog!

I talked to him for over half an hour and all he said is "that's ruff."

I can't say I had the easiest day. I know it's not a full moon but it certainly felt like one today. I made it through though and am looking forward to going home to see my lovely wife and daughter.

I got up half an hour earlier today and got some exercise and prayer in. I hope to do the same tomorrow as well. I'm back doing Keto for 2 days after a cheat meal over the weekend.

I also was glad that I was able to get some studying of my coaching certificate course done.

My days are starting to be more productive. Well, hope you had a wonderful day. Thinking about it, my day wasn't that bad after all. I am glad to be alive!

Take care and God bless...

Your friend,
