I Am Alive Challenge - Day 95

I thank God for another night’s rest and blessing me with another day. I had pretty good day so far.

I took Mr Tan Man for a walk this morning and I saw this beautiful flower.


I had some pretty good groups today. I was happy to be able to see my favorite patient. That is one thing that I don’t like about this job. I meet so many wonderful people but I only get to see them if they come back to the Psychiatric hospital.

It’s sad he’s back but SO GOOD to see him again.

Some of the patients said “thank you” and that they enjoyed my groups. This made me feel good.

It can be a tough job sometimes, you need a lot of patience, which I have, plus a thick skin which I am working on. The job is not perfect. People locked up against their will are going to be angry and often at the workers.

But seeing my favorite patients and knowing people are enjoying my groups helps me get past the hard parts of the job.

I am healthy, alive, and blessed. Thank you for reading. -John-


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